Health Savings Account
Set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for eligible expenses with dedicated funds, while also getting a tax savings advantage.
See below for 2025 details.

How They Work
Health Savings Accounts allow you to set aside pre-tax money to pay for certain expenses and can be used for eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses. The amount you contribute comes out of your paycheck before taxes, giving you a tax savings advantage.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
IRS Contribution limits (including employer matches)
Use your HSA money to pay for eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses, or save it for the future.
Although you choose a contribution amount during enrollment, you can update it anytime throughout the year. The amount you choose will be deposited to your account in increments each pay period.* If you are newly enrolled, you’ll receive an HSA card from HSA Bank. If you have previously participated in the plan, be sure to keep your card until it expires.
HSA Funding Limits

HSAs have no use-it-or-lose-it rules! Any funds you have in the plan will continue to roll over and can be taken with you if you leave.
*Reminder: If you are currently enrolled in Medicare, you cannot contribute to a HSA
*If you enroll during annual enrollment, elections will begin Jan. 1 the following year.
Additional HSA Resources
Eligible expenses
Use the search tool to find out what expenses qualify.
Filter by account type and expense type to learn what you can cover with your Health Savings Account.
Manage Your Accounts
We partner with HSA Bank to administer all of our tax-free savings accounts.